Myths of mental health
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Myths about mental health can affect how we think about this issue. But it's important to know what is fact and what is fiction.
If you are unsure what is myth or fact, the best person to ask is a doctor or mental health professional. But to get started, here are 15 of the more common myths.
MYTH- People with a mental health problem should just harden up and get over it
MYTH- PTSD is the most common mental health problem for veterans
MYTH- Everyone in the military will end up with a mental health problem
MYTH- Serving members and veterans only develop mental health problems because of their military experience
MYTH- People with mental health problems are violent and dangerous
MYTH- People with mental health problems are crazy
MYTH- There is no connection between physical and mental health
MYTH- People with mental health problems are just making it up, and really they are just unreliable
MYTH- People with mental health problems never get better
MYTH- ‘Real men’ don’t talk about their problems or ask for help – counselling is for wimps
MYTH- Alcohol works better than medication
MYTH- People are born with mental health problems
MYTH- Mental health conditions are very rare and only affects certain people
MYTH- People who have a mental health condition need to be kept away from society
MYTH- People with mental health problems have an intellectual disability